
Donnerstag, 10. April 2014


First of all you would be needing Premium account here: HitLeap - The Quality Traffic Exchange OR any other website which provide this service for free like: Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange

Method # 1

Sign up here: LikesPlanet.com | Free Facebook Likes | YouTube Dislikes/Plays/Likes | Get Photo Likes | Traffic Alexa Boostup | Social Media Exchanger | Get Paid Money from Facebook/Twitter | 1st Source Related for Social Media Traffic Advertising.
Here: LikesASAP - Register
Here: Signup | Paid-To-Promote.Net

Grab Your PTP links from these website and put them into the traffic exchange of these websites: Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange OR HitLeap - The Quality Traffic Exchange

Earning From This Would be Some where around $1.5 to $10 per 24 Hours depending upon how many VPS/accounts you have!

Method # 2

Go to Blogger.com create an blog, name doesn't matter. Put some contents on the blog. You can grab the contents around the internet, just spin them.

Here: YllixMedia (Yllix Inc.)
And Here: LoveCPM.com - Pay per every impression . . .

Grab your ad codes from these websites and put them into your blog all round your blog, in header, in footer, in side bar, with in contents, even put pop up ad codes and pop under!

Then put your blog link into the traffic exchange of these websites: Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange OR HitLeap - The Quality Traffic Exchange

Estimated Earning $1 to $40 Per 24 Hours, depending upon how many VPS you have and how many blogs you create and mostly importantly you use ultimate spam trick or not (Mostly all of you know it).

Method # 3

Earn Bitcoins and use them for Gambling or sell and mine more bitcoins!

You can get free bitcoins from here: Free Bitcoins, free Lightcoins, free Feathercoins - QoinPro
Here: FreeBitco.in - Win free bitcoins every hour!

Get bitcoin from here and use them for gambling.

Estimated earning: Well many people earn more then $500 per day from gambling and many lose $5000 in one day in gambling!

Method # 4

Its about reselling video games!

First You are required to sign-up here: https://www.g2a.com/gr/spikehack@yahoo.com

and here: Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange (Or any other exchange site)

Selling Games Through Twitter

Go To https://www.g2a.com/goldmine/reflinks/ and copy your games links (Referral Links)
Start Posting them on twitter and say something like" WOW BattleField 4 On great discount, don't miss it" "50% Discount On Fifa, don't Miss it man" "Get Discount on all games up-to 80% only on (Your Referral Link)"
With-in Few Seconds You Will start getting hundreds of clicks and at least one of them will buy the game.

Note You will need followers if you don't have them get them from exchanges like here: Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange

Selling Games Through Facebook

Start posting same as you post on Twitter, send private messages to you friends and join games related groups and pages. There you can start real spamming

If you are good at video creation then YouTube will be goldmine for you!

Estimated earning $5 per game sale, i.e. if you get 10 sales per day total profit would be around $50

Bunch of direct links:
HitLeap - The Quality Traffic Exchange
Free Anonymous Traffic Exchange and Free Facebook And YouTube Likes Exchange
Get Paid To Promote, Get Paid To Popup, Get Paid Display Banner
LikesASAP.com : Increase Your Fans
FreeBitco.in - Win free bitcoins every hour!
Free Bitcoins, free Lightcoins, free Feathercoins - QoinPro

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